Hogwarts au 19e siècle
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Hogwarts au 19e siècle

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 English speakers: how to understand what you're doing here

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Eliana Loophole
Eliana Loophole

Féminin Nombre de messages : 402
Travail : Directrice de
Occupation : Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Headmistress
Date d'inscription : 19/09/2007

English speakers: how to understand what you're doing here Empty
MessageSujet: English speakers: how to understand what you're doing here   English speakers: how to understand what you're doing here Icon_minitimeVen 23 Mai - 18:30

As an explanation to this thread:

I can't change the language of the words on the buttons of this forum, so I'll put their translation here. I hope in time you will get used to them and forget that it's another language. I guess in the meantime you can keep this thread in another window beside as a reference.

I've also been careful to give a common color to my translations. Texts in English are given this color, and I beg you to use it as well so that everyone can check for their own language and spot them at first glance. This color is dark red, the first one on the list after "défaut". Since the first players were writing in French, usually the text in French is before the English one.

The color for French texts is the "default" one,
the one I'm using for this bit of sentence. All this thinking to make things a bit easier. If the players use different colors for their dialogues and the change of language isn't clear, I use this separation:


1: The most important and useful translation I could give you:

Sujet: Thread
Message: Message

2: The everpresent buttons on top of each page, just below the H:

Accueil: Home
Portail: Portal
FAQ: Same as in English : Frequently Asked Questions
Rechercher: Search
Membres: Membres
Groupes: Groups
Profil: Profile (your own)
Messagerie: Privage messages
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Déconnexion: Logout

3: Those in the home page:

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4: The ones around your text when you start a thread or an answer:

Barré: Crossed-out
Héberger une image: House a picture
'Citer': 'Quote'
Lien: Link
Défilement horizontal: Scrolling
Centrer: Middle
Droite: Right
Voir plus de smileys: See more smileys
Prévisualiser: Previsualize
Envoyer: Send
Fermer les balises:

5: The ones around the page when you read a thread:

Répondre: Reply
Nouveau: New thread
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I guess that covers everything. If you ever find I have forgotten something, or made a mistake please tell me and I will complete this thread.
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English speakers: how to understand what you're doing here
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